Queseo Festival
Queseo Festival

The Compostela Parish Church does not only serve the Roman Catholic faithful currently living in the town. Many years ago, the annual Caballo Street Dancing Festival was held as an offshoot of the religious fiesta in honor of Sr. Santiago de Apostol. Caballo is the Spanish word for horse, and the image of Sr. Santiago is that of a man riding a horse. During this annual competition, the streets of Compostela came alive with the sound of drums and the town’s festival song. The dancers were elaborately dressed in Maria Clara or the Spanish-period long dresses or skirts, and in other colorful attires, marking a period of Compostela’s history.

But with the changing of municipal leaders also came another festival for Compostela that highlighted one of the local products --  the Kiseyo Festival. The festivity is about the much sought-after dairy product in Compostela which is the kiseyo or white cheese.  

 The festival is an addition to Compostela’s pride and cultural legacy, one that brings to mind the beautiful values and products and promotes tourism as well. 

The Church festivities also serve as connection for Compostela-born people who are now living in other countries. Annual town fiestas celebrated by the church are so ingrained in the consciousness of Filipinos like Compostelanons, so it is no surprise for people living or working far away to make the effort of going home to Compostela every July of each year. 

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